Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Things I will never do.....

I will never have a house organized like Martha or cook like Paula. I will never make millions of dollars like Donald or be on TV like Oprah.


I do know who holds tomorrow (JESUS) and that is more important than any of the things I mentioned above. I will always have the love of my husband and children. When times get tough and I don't feel like I can do anything right, I will always get a smile or hug and kiss from them.

In other news.... I will finally be moving into my office on Tuesday! I have a pretty big office and will have plenty of space for all of my files and pictures of my bebes :-). Anytime we have ever moved, they have given us a weeks notice. We have a lot of stuff to pack up, PLUS we are expected to get our work done at the same time. I am so blessed to work with my computer geek of a husband. I had an Access question today and he logged into my computer and showed me how to do what I wanted.

I am already looking forward to the weekend. I have a few things I want to get accomplished around the house and now that the weather is a little cooler, I will probably take Buddy to the park a few times.


Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

Oh man, I don't want ANY MORE piano students!! They are steering me toward a nervous breakdown. hahahahahaha

Thanks for your nice comment though. =)

YAY for the new office, that's so exciting!!

Jenn said...

Jesus is everything. Amen Sister.

And congrats on the office!!! I'm so blessed have one too (with a picture from our GNO on my filing cabinet, no doubt)!!!

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

hahaha yeah i guess they do, but they sooooooo aren't, they are really delicious!!