Thursday, January 17, 2008

Child Like Prayer......

for snow :-)

We got the snow, but I still have to go to work today. I guess it's not as icy in the northern part of the county as needed to close schools. Oh well, I still enjoyed the call from Buddy saying, "it's snowing and raining from the sky!!!". The last time it snowed/sleeted, etc. was back in Feb. 2005 (I think). It was my first Sunday at my new church job and I couldn't go because of the ice.

Tomorrow, I am leaving for my trip to Nashville. The boys are planning on a "Boys Weekend". What that means, I don't know. But, if Buddy has anything to do with it, it will involve lots of movies and popcorn. I am so excited to meet all of these ladies. We have all known each other online for years, but this will be our first meeting in person!! I can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so hope that you guys have fun this weekend!